sherry,meg,kat,ian,rennaissance.jpg You should have been in HUMANITIES CLASS. This picture is of what we did all day. (Meg McNeil)
wholegroup,play night.jpg Didn't you enjoy the talent show? This picture is of all of the fourth year VAMPY campers! (Meg McNeil)
adammeredith.JPG This is ME again with another HUMANITIES CLASSMATE! (Adam Taylor)
adammerediththom.JPG We were all going to the library in this picture. (Adam Taylor)
adamtex.JPG I don't think I can explain this picture. (Adam Taylor)
carlnoclothes.JPG Don't even think about it. He's wearing a towel. (Adam Taylor)
danny.JPG My rommate, the angel. (Adam Taylor)
grahamjohn.JPG The two coolest VAMPY campers! (Adam Taylor)
hank.JPG HANK wants to be like DUNCAN!!! (Adam Taylor)
humanities.JPG These next pictures help portray my HUMANITIES CLASS. Yeah HUMANITIES! (Adam Taylor)
iloveyoujesse.JPG I really do, JESSE! WRITE ME!!! (Adam Taylor)
jasonalex.JPG The scarry thing is that they are always like this. (Adam Taylor)
jenglass.JPG I love you too, JEN!!! (Adam Taylor)
jeremiah.JPG JEREMIAH has his own webpage. Check it out!!! (Adam Taylor)
jessejason.JPG TAKE MY PICTURE!!! (Adam Taylor)
jessijoel.JPG I have this picture hanging beside my bed! (Adam Taylor)
jon.JPG JON WHITNEY is the MAN!!! (Adam Taylor)
matt.JPG How many atheist SATAN's do you know? (Adam Taylor)
myfavphoto.JPG I still love you LISA!!! (Adam Taylor)
pauliron.JPG Paul roomed with me the last nigh. WHEEEE!!!! (Adam Taylor)
sexypaul.JPG You should feel his hair! (Adam Taylor)
slicksexy.JPG JASON is slick,! (Adam Taylor)
ted.JPG HEY! Ted doesn't know what I'm doing. (Adam Taylor)
texnoah.JPG Have you ever seen two foxier ladies? (Adam Taylor)
thomas.JPG The boy from STAMPING GROUND, KENTUCKY. (Adam Taylor)
yessir.JPG The 8th floor had many strange activities. (Adam Taylor)