VAMPY Counselors

Past and Present ---------

During the past summers, many VAMPY and SCATS alumni returned to climbing the hills of the faithful WKU campus as residential counselors. Many are planning to return for the summer of 1999. Everyone is encouraged to apply for one of these positions. To be eligible, you need to have completed a year in college before the summer.

The directions I got for applying follow (thanks to Wake):

Please note that these are directions for the summer of 1996. Directions for applying for the summer of 1999 are the same.

* the deadline for application was Feb 15 *

Do not miss the deadline! Make sure you have it in their hands by then. Dr. Julia said she can only work with those she has by that time.

If you didn't work there last summer, call the office (number below) and tell them you need an application (it's just a standard WKU application). Don't wait until you recieve the application to do your resume and letter! Those are the priority pieces. If you worked there last summer, you don't need to do one if you write a cover letter and send a resume.

You need to call 502:745-6323 and tell them you are interested. If Dr. Julia isn't there, leave the message with Sue or Linda.

(Note from Wake: Sue and Linda are the secretaries in the office and more than happy to help)

#1: Make the phone call

#2a: Write a cover letter saying you enjoyed your past experience as a counselor in the residential camps for gifted kids, run by Dr Julia Roberts, and would like to apply to do it again in summer '99. Run 2 copies.

#2b: or write a great letter expressing why you want to be a counselor for the '99 summer.

#3a. Send one *set* (letter and resume) to:

Dr. Julia Roberts
Tate C. Page Hall 401
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

You might label it "copy - original sent to Human Resources."

#4b. Send the other *set* to:

Wetherby Administration Building #42
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101

#5. Once you have mailed the application, you might want to call the office to make sure it has been recieved.

REMEMBER: Applications for conselors needed to be in by February 15th. When we hear the new date for 1999, we will pass it along.


Last updated: 13 February 1999

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